Traditional Sioux Amulets

These umbilical cord amulets or fetishes were used in the past to encase the child's navel cord and
hung from the cradleboard. Later, they were often worn by the children or attached to their clothing.
They were used for protection from evil spirits and kept throughout life. Turtles were for girls and lizards
were for the boys. Brain tanned deer hide, natural pigments, beaded.

Horse Fetish
Hand sewn and hand painted leather amulet filled with buffalo hair, horse hair.
ART50 - Sioux Horse Fetish .. $ 38.50

Buffalo Fetish
Hand sewn and hand painted leather amulet filled with buffalo hair.
ART51 - Sioux Buffalo Fetish .. $ 38.50

Turtle Fetish
Hand sewn and hand painted leather amulet filled with buffalo hair.
ART56 - Sioux Turtle Fetish ..$ 38.50

Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, MB R0C1Y0
Phone: (204) 762-5523