Native American Traditional Botanicals

Native American Healing Herbs and Plants

WARNING! Any information about botanicals on this web site is provided for historical and educational purposes only. Many of these plants are known to have medicinal properties, but they might be also harmful if used inappropriately. We only provide these plants as a service to those of you who have a legitimate need for them, and strongly urge you to seek the assistance of knowledgeable peoples before using these plants. Always use common sense and be responsible when using botanicals. We are not responsible for any ill effect caused by using these plants.
Wikipedia Public Domain, Photo Wsiegmund Bitterroot (Lewisia rediviva)
Often used in traditional medicine to treat coughs, bronchitis, laryngitis and asthma. Also used by pow wow singers to soothe an irritated throat.
HEB13 - Bitterroot, approx. 15 g ... $ 9.50

Public Domain - Wikipedia, Valérie75 Black Cohosh Root (Cimicifuga Racemosa)
Black Cohosh, a North American forest plant traditionally used to treat snake bites, is also known as Black Snakeroot. It is reported to be a highly effective herb for treating menopausal hot flashes. Black Cohosh stimulates estrogen-like activity in the body, and should be taken in fairly high doses twice a day for best results. Women undergoing estrogen replacement therapy should consult their doctors prior to supplementing with Black Cohosh.
HEB18 - Back Cohosh Root, approx. 50 gr ... $ 11.95

Public Domain - Wikipedia, Photo Jan Mehlich Cramp Bark (Viburnum opulus)
Cramp bark (sometimes listed as Cranberry bark) is often considered a "blood medicine." The Iroquois are reported to have used this plant as a blood purifier, specifically an infusion made from the bark was used as an emetic to vomit for bad blood or fever. The Ojibwa reportedly used an infusion of cramp bark as a treatment for stomach cramps.Modern references indicate usage for relaxing muscle tension and spasms, primarily muscle cramps and in ovarian and uterine muscle problems.
HEB19 - Cramp Bark, approx. 50 gr ... $ 9.95

Trilisa Odoratissima - Deer's Tongue - Photo © Jeff Pippen Deer's Tongue Leaf (Trilisa Odoratissima)
This plant is sometimes called vanilla leaf, or wild vanilla, because of the distinct smell of vanilla when the leaves are crushed. Trilissia odorata is known for its diuretic effects, and was also used for sore throats and gonorrhea. A powerful stimulant, highly regarded by Native Americans as an aphrodisiac, and said to induce erotic dreams. The leaves are used to give tobacco a vanilla flavor. Their perfume is largely due to Coumarin, which can be seen in crystals on the upper side of the smooth spatulate leaves. Coumarin has blood-thinning, anti-fungicidal and anti-tumor activities.
HEB20 - Deer's Tongue Leaves, approx 25 gr ... $ 8.95

Public Domain - Wikipedia, Photo Pablo Alberto Salguero Quiles Marsh Mallow Root (Althea Officinalis)
The flowers of the marshmallow root are used to make expectorant syrups. They are picked when the flower has matured to at least two years old, and in August just as the flower is coming into bloom. The Root it exhumed in the late Fall; cleaned of root fibers and corked and desiccated immediately.
HEB23 - Marsh Mallow Root, approx. 25 gr ... $ 8.95

Public Domain - Wikipedia, Photo Jerry Friedman Osha Root (Ligusticum Porteri)
Also called Bear Root, it is commonly used as an ingredient in native smoking mixes. It is said to contain medicinal properties for use in respiratory ailments.
HEB24 - Osha Root, approx. 25 gr .... $ 13.50

Senega Snakeroot - Copyright Andy Fyon, Senega Snakeroot (Poligala senega)
The Blackfoot used snakeroot to treat respiratory disease. The Cherokee reportedly used it for rheumatism, as a diuretic, and as an expectorant. It is said to have been used as a snake bite remedy (hence the name "snakeroot") where the root was chewed and swallowed and the wound was treated with a poultice made from the root. Among the Cree and Woodlands peoples, snakeroot was reportedly used for sore throats and toothache. It is said to have general use for treating colds.
HEB25 - Senega Snakeroot, approx. 30 g ... $ 10.40

Creative Commons License, Labrador Tea (Ledum palustre)
Also known as Muskeg tea, Labrador tea's properties are popular in promoting relaxation and wellness.
HEB14 - Labrador Tea, approx. 50 g ....... $ 13.95

USAD Public Domain - Photo Robert Tatina Wild Mint Tea (Mentha arvensis) Peppermint is cleansing and strengthening to the entire system. Used by native people as a medicine tea, it can be taken to treat an upset stomach, cramps and indigestion. Prepare by boiling leaves for 10mn and steeping until desired strength.
HEB15 - Wild Mint, approx. 20 g....... $ 6.00

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