Native American tipis, teepee, indian lodges

Native Hawk Pipe
Lakota Hawk Pipe

Traditional Pipe Tampers

Sioux pipe tampers
Four Directions Pipe Tampers
Sioux made pipe tampers, they are cut in hardwood, and boiled in bee's wax. The beading in done in two way; wrapped and loom, lenght approx. 24 cm or 9".
CAL69 - Four Directions Pipe Tamper ... $ 35.70

Lakota pipe tamper
Buffalo-Foot Pipe Tamper
Traditional pipe tamper plated with porcupine quills. This tamper is hand-crafted by a young Sioux-Miniconjou artist from the Cheyenne River tribe, lenght approx. 26.5 cm.
CAL70 - Buffalo-Foot Pipe Tamper ... $ 185.00

Traditionnel indian pipe tamper
Horse Foot Pipe Tamper
Hand-carved and quill dedoreted pipe tamper, approx. 31cm
CAL71 - Horse-Foot Pipe Tamper... $ 185.00

Assiniboine Tipis
PO Box 649 Lundar, MB R0C1Y0
Phone: (204) 762-5523